
Zarautz-Urdaneta, 20809, Aia, Spain

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BASQUE AUTOMATION, a team compromised with…

Economic Sustainability

We are companies, therefore, it is clear that the economy is our driving force. What is important is to note that a broader approach is needed, in which the weight of importance should be the same for economic sustainability (33.33%), social sustainability (33.33%) and environmental sustainability (33.33%).

Social Sustainability

We start from the human being. The need for companies to have well-trained professionals is vital. These people, in turn, need to be part of societies that offer them the needs for a life in harmony with the great opportunity to be born. A gift, life, that we must take care of every day.

Environmental Sustainability

The company is in an environment. Its headquarters and/or delegations are part of a place to be cared for. There is more sustainable technology. Our challenge is to find the technology that as far as possible respects the environment. This challenge may lead us to learn new ways of working. Training is the key.

Since 1988, Francisco Aristeguieta Urgoiti, Bittor Larraioz, Xabier Iturralde and Maria Elena Larrayoz have tried to train equipment within LARRAIOZ GROUP TALDEA taking into account the well-being of people working daily and the collaborating team.

The new FACT building is an example of this. We encourage those who do not yet know to visit it.

Currently, the 3 companies of the LARRAIOZ group share technology center, tools and work in equipment.


BASQUE AUTOMATION is committed to self-sufficiency that reacts to the environment.

We make moderate and rational use of natural resources, creating cutting-edge technology solutions.

We have a water spring that supplies the building and sustainability is studied every year. Recycling of organic waste in the company.

Recycling of organic waste in the company and compost preparation.


Rosa Ros Gallo.

Head of the Logistics Department

Conservation of park and protected species within a SCI area.

Absorption of more than 40 Tons/year of CO2 (estimated) by own crops.

Selective collection of containers, glass and paper for recycling.

Wastewater treatment by decantation and on-site biological filter.

Self-sufficiency in 35% of energy consumption.

2023 installation of 60 solar panels.

Vehicle sharing for employee trips.

BASQUE AUTOMATION has acquired a total of 10 hectares around the Francisco Aristeguieta Technology Center in order to preserve the forest, replant native trees and minimize the carbon footprint.

In manufacturing, less CO2 is generated than can be converted into oxygen.

No recyclable waste is generated. Cardboard, plastic and metal are recycled.

No components harmful to humans or nature are used. No toxic waste.

Selective collection of batteries or other waste electronic elements.