We introduce BASQUE AUTOMATION´S design division, with an offer in design, manufacture and support of customized solutions for automation, control, visualization and motion needs.
We understand the problems that OEMs may face with Asian mass production, with uncertain waiting times, possible border closures and low product quality. At BASQUE AUTOMATION our production is 100% European, manufacturing our devices in our HQ in Aia, Basque Country. As of 2020, we have already manufactured more than 10.000 devices, providing a unique PC, PLC, HMI and Motion solution for the machine.
With our systems, the OEM obtains a proprietary product, customized to the hardware requirements, at an adjusted cost (there are no economic charges for unnecessary equipment or the need for amortization of non-implemented components), with friendly and intuitive applications, and protections against product obsolescence and hardware compatibility.
Larraioz solutions have non-planned obsolescense, and that’s something we emphasize. We believe that the acquisition of an industrial control device becomes a crucial purchase, it is a key element, it becomes the core of the machine and/or process and, at the same time, it is acquired knowing it has a shelf-life. At Larraioz we manufacture customized and scalable solutions, with no shelf-life, therefore the obsolescence problems go away.
The more than 30 years of expertise in the industry provide us with the knowledge and ability to offer machine manufacturers with the right solution customized to the needs.
For more information: info@basqueautomation.com